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Privacy Policy

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Your privacy is very important to us. The address of our website is: https://ertcrebatedeadline.com

We at are committed to preserving the privacy of all visitors to this website. Please read the following privacy policy to understand how we use and protect the information that you provide to us.

By using this site, you consent to the collection, use and transfer of your information under the terms of this policy. If we decide to make any material changes to this policy then we will post such changes here or we may notify you through e-mail where appropriate.

Information collection:

When you visit, or request further information from our website you may be asked to provide us with certain information about yourself (including your name, contact details and address). We may also collect information about your usage of our website as you and others browse our website (see section on “cookies”), as well as information about you from messages you post to the website and e-mails or letters you send to us.

Use of the information we collect:

Your personal information will enable us to provide you with access to all parts of our site and will be used for several general purposes, including: administering our business activities; providing information and/or services you have requested; personalizing your experience on our website and keeping you up to date with our services.

Where you have consented, we may also provide other information which we think you may find of interest and we may contact you by post, telephone or fax, as well as by e-mail. If you change your mind about being contacted in the future, please let us know. You may be informed how to do this each time you are contacted, otherwise please send an email to mike@ertcrebatedeadline.com and insert “unsubscribe” or “stop” as the appropriate subject heading.

Disclosure of information:

The information you provide to us will be held on our computers and may be accessed by or given to our staff or to third parties for the purposes set out in this policy or for other purposes approved by you. Those parties process information, fulfill and deliver requests for information and provide support services on our behalf.

We will also pass aggregate information on the usage of our site and services onto third parties, but this will NOT include information that can be used to identify you.

Where you have consented when providing us with your details, we may also allow carefully selected third parties to contact you occasionally about products or services which may be of interest to you. They may contact you by post, telephone or fax, as well as by e-mail. If you change your mind about being contacted in the future by these third parties, please let us know.

In addition, if our business is sold, or is merged, or enters into a joint venture with another business entity, your information may be disclosed to our new business partners or owners.

Finally, we may disclose personal information in response to legal process, for example, in response to a court order. We also may disclose such information in response to a law enforcement agency’s request or where we believe it is necessary to investigate, prevent, or take action regarding illegal activities, suspected fraud, situations involving potential threats to the physical safety of any person, non-compliance with of our terms and conditions, or as otherwise permitted or required by law and consistent with legal requirements.


Similar to other commercial websites, our website utilizes a standard technology called “cookies” and web server log files to collect information about how our website is used. Information gathered through cookies and Web server logs allow us to monitor website traffic and to personalize the content of the site for you.

A cookie is a very small text document, which often includes an anonymous unique identifier. When you visit a website, that site’s computer asks your computer for permission to store this file in a part of your hard drive specifically designated for cookies. Each website can send its own cookie to your browser if your browser’s preferences allow it, but (to protect your privacy) your browser only permits a website to access the cookies it has already sent to you, not the cookies sent to you by other sites. Browsers are usually set to accept cookies. However, if you would prefer not to receive cookies, you may alter the configuration of your browser to refuse cookies. If you choose to have your browser refuse cookies, it is possible that some areas of our site will not function as effectively when viewed by the users. A cookie cannot retrieve any other data from your hard drive or pass on computer viruses.

Google, as a third party vendor, uses cookies to serve ads on our site.

Google’s use of the DART cookie enables it to serve ads to our users based on their visit to our sites and other sites on the Internet.

Users may opt out of the use of the DART cookie by visiting the Google ad and content network privacy policy.

We use third-party advertising companies to serve ads when you visit our website. These companies may use information (not including your name, address, email address, or telephone number) about your visits to this and other websites in order to provide advertisements about goods and services of interest to you. If you would like more information about this practice and to know your choices about not having this information used by these companies, click here.

IP Addresses:

IP addresses are used by your computer every time you are connected to the Internet. Your IP address is a number that is used by computers on the network to identify your computer. IP addresses are automatically collected by our web server as part of demographic and profile data known as traffic data so that data (such as the web pages you request) can be sent to you.

Security and data retention:

We employ security measures to protect your information from access by unauthorized persons and against unlawful processing, accidental loss, destruction or damage. We will retain your information for as long as required or as long as the law requires.

Accessing and updating your information:

You are entitled to see the personal information that we have collected on line and that we maintain. If you wish to do this, please contact us by emailing mike@ertcrebatedeadline.com and insert “access request” as the subject heading. We may charge a small fee to meet our costs in providing you with these details.

You may ask us to make changes to the information held about you, to ensure that it is accurate and kept up to date. You may also request that we cease processing the personal information and that we delete this from our database or records. Please note that it may be impossible to completely delete your information because of back-ups and records of deletions. Please send your requests to mike@ertcrebatedeadline.com and insert “change details” or “unsubscribe” as the appropriate subject heading.

We will only perform the activities outlined above to the extent that such activities will not compromise privacy, security or any other legal interests.

All comments, queries and other requests relating to our use of your information should be addressed to askmike@ertcrebatedeadline.com

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