2021 ERTC Countdown Timer

53Days 11Hours 18Minutes 25Seconds

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Michael O’Reilly is the owner of this website, please feel free to contact me at any time. Please leave a comment or use the email and I will get back to you usually within 24 hours. Thanks.

Michael O’Reilly
W 16th St.
Bayonne. NJ 07002

Please see our privacy policy page to understand how we use and protect the information that you provide to us.

The information you provide to us will be held on our computers and may be accessed by or given to our staff or to third parties for the purposes set out in this policy or for other purposes approved by you. Those parties process information, fulfill and deliver requests for information and provide support services on our behalf.

Also we may disclose personal information in response to legal process, for example, in response to a court order. We also may disclose such information in response to a law enforcement agency’s request or where we believe it is necessary to investigate, prevent, or take action regarding illegal activities, suspected fraud, situations involving potential threats to the physical safety of any person, non-compliance with of our terms and conditions, or as otherwise permitted or required by law and consistent with legal requirements.

All comments, queries and other requests relating to our use of your information should be addressed to askmike@ertcrebatedeadline.com

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